[Tutor] Ingenious script (IMO)

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Tue Aug 7 00:57:18 CEST 2007

At 02:17 PM 8/6/2007, you wrote:
>Nice idea. Written style is average. Other tutors have discussed issues with
>performance, style, etc. I thought I would mention that whenever I am asked
>to give my opinion on a script, I compare it to something I have
>written/would write. In this case, I have already written. In my version, it
>not only tells how many of each denomination, but also how one would count
>back the change. It would be an interesting challenge to implement that, no?

First remind me how Americans do that. I lived in Japan a long time, 
and it's done quite differently there.

For the U.S., say the output so far is:

Enter the cost: 5.77
Enter the tendered amount: 10
Your change is $4.23
$1 bills:       4
10-cent coins:  2
1-cent coins:   3

What would be the U.S. way of counting back the change? I think we 
start with the $5.77, but then what?


                       Bagdad Weather

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