[Tutor] Question on UserDict class - copy function

Ketan Joshi ktn_vrce at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 24 12:26:34 CEST 2007

Hello All,

I am very new to Python scripting. I have just started learning about Python. 
I have a question regarding UserDict class.

UserDict class has a copy function which is defined as follows:
def copy(self):
    if self.__class__ is UserDict:
        return UserDict(self.data)
    import copy
    return copy.copy(self)

Here, as I understand, copy module is capable of making a copy of any python object. If so, why isn't this function defined as:

def copy(self):
    import copy
    return copy.copy(self)

In other words, what is the need to use the if statement first and then import the copy module?
    if self.__class__ is UserDict:

        return UserDict(self.data)

Thanks and Regards,
Ketan Joshi

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