[Tutor] Help with pysvn

Martin Walsh mwalsh at groktech.org
Tue Apr 17 04:23:55 CEST 2007

Hi Nam,

Pavar, Namratha wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting the error "pysvn._pysvn.ClientError: callback_get_login
> required" when I try to do a simple exercise using pysvn. I have made
> sure the subversion config file doesn't have the "store-auth-creds = no"
> .
> I would appreciate any help. 
> Following is the code and error message. 
>>>> import pysvn
>>>> client = pysvn.Client()
> client.checkout('http://arcsource.nam.coair.com/arc/svn/devref/trunk/mak
> o/',
> 'D:\cpy')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> pysvn._pysvn.ClientError: callback_get_login required

In this case, the truth is in the traceback.

Here is the relevant part of the pysvn documentation:

pysvn.Client seems to require that you declare a callback function to
provide login credentials when needed to access a repository/project, if
not previously cached (or if caching is disabled). A simple example
providing a callback function might look like this:

def login(*args):
    return True, 'myuser', 'mypass', False

import pysvn
client = pysvn.Client()
client.callback_get_login = login

But, the above might not be acceptable -- depending on security
concerns, as your repository password is presented in plain text.


> Thanks,
> Nam

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