[Tutor] Microsoft Exchange

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Sat Apr 14 00:22:10 CEST 2007

* Øyvind Dale Spørck <oeyvind at sporck.net> [070414 00:15]:
> Hello.
> I need to get the mailbox size out from Exchange. I have been googling and
> all I have found is how to get the size from my personal mailbox. But,
> that is not what I need. I need to find the sizes of the mailboxes for all
> users.
> Does anyone know of any modules that works towards the central
> Exchange-server or any example scripts that can give me any hints?

Basically, you've got two ways here:

*) make Exchange talk some standard protocol like imap.
*) use some nonportable Win32 solution. I'd google around for a
solution to your problem no matter what language. You can easily
afterwards recode that solution in Python.


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