[Tutor] Talking between C++ & Python ?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 6 09:29:45 CEST 2007

"R. Alan Monroe" <amonroe at columbus.rr.com> wrote

>> I have written a Python app, a company who don't use Python want to 
>> integrate
>> its back end with their C++ coded GUI.
>> The data to & from the C++, Python code consists of fairly large 
>> tables of up
>> to 80,000 items.
> SQLite?

That's a good idea if the apps are co-located.
I had, for some reason, assumed they must be remote
from each other when I suggested SOAP, but if they
are co-located then a database is a good solution for
those volumes. It probably requires that each end
implements a poller to check for updates and a
table or column to be added to indicate the status.

Alan G. 

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