[Tutor] Better way to substitute text?

William Allison allison.william at comcast.net
Sat Sep 30 16:10:02 CEST 2006

Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
> +++ William Allison [29-09-06 18:55 -0400]:
> | Hi,
> | Just learning Python, on chapter 6 of Learning Python 2nd Ed.  So, on to 
> | the question.  Is there a better way to
> | implement the code below?  It scans a saved html file and highlights 
> | certain keywords is a bold, red font.  It works,
> | but I suppose I'm wondering if it's the "Pythonic" way.
> | Thanks,
> | Will
> | 
> | #!/usr/bin/env python
> | 
> | in_put = open('test.html', 'r')
> | out_put = open('test_highlight.html', 'a')
> ===================================== 
> | for line in in_put:
> |         line = line.replace("TWY", "<b><font 
> | color='#FF0000'>TWY</font></b>")
> |         line = line.replace("RWY", "<b><font 
> | color='#FF0000'>RWY</font></b>")
> |         line = line.replace("WIP", "<b><font 
> | color='#FF0000'>WIP</font></b>")
> |         out_put.write(line)
> ===================================== 
> | 
> | in_put.close()
> | out_put.close()
> replace_words = ['TWY', 'RWY', 'WIP']
> for line in in_put:
>         for replace_word in replace_words:
>                 out_put.write(line.replace(replace_word,"<b><font color='#FF0000'>"+replace_word+"</font></b>"))
> You can furthur reduce for loops.
> Shantanoo

Thanks Shantanoo,
I like that a lot better.  Had to modify it just a little.

replace_words = ['TWY', 'RWY', 'WIP']
for line in in_put:
       for replace_word in replace_words:
              line = line.replace(replace_word, "<b><font 
color='#FF0000'>" + replace_word + "</font></b>")

I can never quite get when to use a nested loop.
Thanks again,

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