[Tutor] Looking for an edutainment-type introduction to programming book

tomd tomdrak at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 16:54:43 CEST 2006

If he is into games, you could try to look at Python Programming for
the Absolute Beginner, from Michael Dawson. It teaches Python through
programming a set of simple games.

Tom, http://www.vscripts.net

on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 15:54:32 +0200, you wrote:
> 1) simple, and fun enough so that he can learn from it without my
> continous assistence. (Of course, I can answer questions, but the idea
> is that I don't want to walk him through all of it.)
> 2) doesn't look like it is teaching programming -- it should be more
> like "playing with the computer, and having fun" style, with the
> "learning programming" being a sort of side-effect.

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