[Tutor] howto keep a program organised?

Rob Vogel robvog at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 11:24:26 CEST 2006

Hello All,

I have been programming with Python for a few weeks now. By now I have
problems keeping my program organised.

(program runs from a Linux Busybox environment).
For example, I may need to mount the usb storage device at some point
in the program.
For this end I made the following functions:
- usbMount() -> main function.
- usbUmount() -> main function.
- usbMounted() -> help function. Checks if usb already mounted.
- usbConnected() -> help function. Checks id usb connected to computer.
- usbValid() -> help function. Checks if usb contains certain info
(only these may be mounted).
The help functions are called from the main functions.
So I have multiple help functions, while only two are actively called.

What is a good way to keep this organised?
- Just put it in a usb.py module?
- Should I make a class?
I haven't worked with OOP before, because I didn't think it would be
useful so far.
Are there any advantages if I put this in a class, instead of in a module?

This is only a small example, but I run into the same problem with
other parts of my program, that are larger, and where the functions
also depend on each other, while only a few are called (and the rest
just clutter my view in the IDE).

Any advice about how you organise this kind of things, is very much appreciated.


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