[Tutor] Dates

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 10 01:15:44 CEST 2006


> c.execute('SELECT * FROM times where rt_weekst >= date(2006,01,31) 
> and
> rt_weekst <= date(2006,12,31)  and rt_type == ?', ("R",))

> a = datetime.date(2006,01,31)
> b = datetime.date(2006,12,31)
> c.execute('SELECT * FROM times where rt_weekst >= ? and rt_weekst <= 
> ?
> and rt_type == ?', (a,b,"R",))

In the first case the dates are strings passed to the SQL date 
In the second they are Python datetime objects. I suspect you need to
convert the datetime objects to strings before passing them as 
to execute()

Alan G 

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