[Tutor] Running DOS jobs in batch

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 19:10:11 CEST 2006

> imex_exe=r'C:\Program Files\CMG\IMEX\2005.10\EXE\mx200510.exe'
> imex_args=('mx200510.exe','-f',imex_fil,'-wd','"'+work_dir+'"')
> for n in range(1,nscen):
>         os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, imex_exe, imex_args)
> and it seems to work.  Not sure why I need to provide the name of 
> the
> application twice though: the lib pages for spawn* say "In either 
> case, the
> arguments to the child process must start with the name of the 
> command
> being run" but hey, it works!

Glad it works.
But you probably should be using the new Subprocess module
for this kind of thing... It is supposed to supercede popen/spawn etc

Alan G. 

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