[Tutor] New to programming and Python

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Oct 26 19:22:32 CEST 2006

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Jorge Azedo wrote:

> First off, I don't know if I'm doing this right, I've never used a 
> mailing list before, so I'm not sure if I'm sending this to the right 
> place.
> Thanks for all the help you guys gave me ( e vocês também pessoal, é bom 
> saber que há pessoal português por aqui :-) ). I'll try and read as many 
> tutorials as I can and start to work on some programs of my own. Let's 
> hope I can make something useful or fun.

I'd second the recommendation to Dive into Python; it has great practical 
examples.  Feel free to ask questions on the list; we're all here to help 
each other.

As a non-Python tangent: if you'd like to read a textbook on learning 
introductory programming, you might be interested in How to Design 


The first few chapters might feel a little slow, and the language used is 
not Python.  But even with that, the material in the book is top notch, 
better than most introductory textbooks I've seen.  If I were to point 
someone new to computing toward learning to program, this is the book I'd 
be oblidged to recommend.

Good luck to you!

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