[Tutor] Location of found item in list.

Chris Hengge pyro9219 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 20:54:21 CEST 2006

This is the solution I came up with.

    for dirItem in directoryList:

    #---Loop for file name comparison.
    for item in lineList: # For every item in the 'lineList'
        if item in directoryList: # If the item is also in 'directoryList'
            # Print out so I know it is found.
            print match.ljust(20) + item.ljust(20) \
            + directoryList[directoryList.index(item)]
        else: # If it isn't found, print what didn't match.
            # Use the lowercase form from each list to find what didn't
            if item.lower() in directoryListLower:
                # Print out so I can see why it failed.
                print fail.ljust(20) + item.ljust(20) + \
                os.rename(pathName + \
                    directoryList[directoryListLower.index(item.lower())], \
                        pathName + item)

On 10/18/06, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris Hengge wrote:
> > If that last post to Luke didn't clear anything up.. lets try this at
> > a smaller level...
> > I'm going to ignore the fact that my program already renames the file
> > properly..
> >
> > I have list1 of filenames
> > I have list2 of filenames
> >
> > Item from list 1 needs to be found in list2, but I can't change cases,
> > because thats what I'm looking for. I suppose, I could .sort each list
> > after chopping the extra files names out of list2 that aren't in
> > list1. then all I have to do is list1[count] = list2[count]
> >
> > What I'd like to know, is why my program works, if I can't get it to
> > display the proper filename in the 3rd output column. I guess
> > os.rename(notcasesensitive, iscasesensitive) ?
> >
> I doubt os.rename is case insensitive for the first argument.
> Okay, here is what you're trying to do.
> Assuming I haven't seen your code before and I'm writing it from scratch.
> I have a list of filenames.
> list1 = ['a.exe', 'b.exe', 'c.exe', 'e.exe']
> I could've read these in from a file, or anything.
> It doesn't matter where they came from.
> The important thing is that they have the case that I want.
> Say I also have another list.
> list2 = ['a.ExE',' B.exe', 'C.EXE', 'd.EXE','E.eXe']
> we got this list maybe from a directory listing or something.  It
> doesn't matter.
> What we're trying to do is: apply any case changes that are necessary to
> make all of list1's items' counterparts
> in list2 be the same.  I.E., 'a.ExE' in list2 becomes 'a.exe' from list1.
> We'll assume that if there is an item in list2 that doesn't have a
> counterpart in list1,
> that we just don't care.  So 'd.EXE' is going to be 'd.EXE' after the
> program is run,
> because there is no corresponding item in list1.  In other words,
> if there are extra files in the directory that we don't need to fix the
> case for, we'll just ignore them.
> So, without thinking about the implementation, what is it we want to do?
> for every item in list1,
> check it against each item in list2.
> if the case-insensitive version of the list1 item is equal to the
> case-insensitive version of list2,
> and the case-sensitive versions aren't equal,
> we know we need to change the case.
> Otherwise, if the case-sensitive versions are equal,
> we don't need to change case, but we'll tell them so.
> if the case-insensitive version of list1 item is not equal to the
> case-insensitive version of the list2 item,
> we don't care.  It's one of the things that we don't need to change.
> So what would this look like in python code?
> for item1 in list1:
>     for item2 in list2:
>        if item1.lower() == item2.lower(): #they're the same file if you
> ignore case
>           if item1 != item2: #but there's some case error,
>              os.rename(item1,item2)
>              print "%s is not %s" % (item1, item2)
>           else:
>              print "%s is %s" % (item1,item1)# or (item1, item1), or
> (item2,item2), since they're equivalent.
> I think this is what you wanted.
> The way you were trying to explain it just confused everyone.
> Hope that helps,
> -Luke
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