[Tutor] module loading

halamillo at mail.wsu.edu halamillo at mail.wsu.edu
Thu Oct 5 08:05:55 CEST 2006

Newbie BioGrad student here (again):

First, thanks for the help on the root node variable last time. It was
most helpful!

Now, I am trying to load a new module into MacPython, but after doing $
python setup.py install, or $ python setup.py build, then $ python

the files on the module I downloaded are the following:

DEVELOPERS      Legal.htm       PKG-INFO        Src            
customize.py    rpm_build.sh
Demo            Lib             Packages        Test           
makeclean.sh    rpm_install.sh
INSTALL         MANIFEST        README          build          
makedist.bat    setup.cfg
Include         Misc            RPM.README      changes.txt    
makedist.sh     setup.py

The INSTALL file says I don't need to configure the module if I'm running
versions greater than OSX, which I am, but when I run the setup file in
the last line of a bunch of erros it tells me the gcc failed.

Thanks again for your help. You guys rock.

Hugo Alamillo
265 Eastlick
Biological Sciences
PO Box 644236
Pullman, WA 99164-4236

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