[Tutor] Help me with two dimensional arrays in Python

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Oct 4 19:56:10 CEST 2006

Asrarahmed Kadri wrote:
> I am looking for something like this:
> int arr[5][5]; // C statement; declaring an array of 5 * 5 size
> Is there an easy and clean way to achieve this in python???

Can you say something about your use case? If I had to guess I would say 
numpy is what you are looking for. Did you look at my suggestions? Are 
you a Python beginner?


> Thanks
> On 10/4/06, *Kent Johnson* <kent37 at tds.net <mailto:kent37 at tds.net>> wrote:
>     Asrarahmed Kadri wrote:
>      >
>      > Hi folks,
>      >
>      > I am stuck.. Please help me with implementing two dimensional
>     array in
>      > Python.
>     Nested lists are the simplest way though beware the gotcha shown here:
>     http://www.python.org/doc/faq/programming/#how-do-i-create-a-multidimensional-list
>     <http://www.python.org/doc/faq/programming/#how-do-i-create-a-multidimensional-list>
>     You can also use a dict with tuple indices, e.g.
>     d[1,2] = 3
>     Numpy is an extension designed for high-performance numerical work, it
>     includes a multidimensional array type:
>     http://numpy.scipy.org//
>     Kent
> -- 
> To HIM you shall return.

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