[Tutor] Use Python to learn kids (9 yr) to program

Senthil_OR at Dell.com Senthil_OR at Dell.com
Thu Nov 30 07:25:17 CET 2006

Andre Roberge wrote:
> On 11/29/06, Senthil_OR at dell.com <Senthil_OR at dell.com> wrote:
> 	Hi,
> 	    Playing with Guido Van Robot http://gvr.sf.net is another good
> option to teach programming to young ones. Rurple is just another
> graphic representation of the gvr.  
> Not quite.  GvR uses a Python-like notation and has no OOP support. 
> Rur-ple uses standard Python and has OOP support. 
> André

Thanks for clarifying Andre.
Infact, myself and my young friends started with GVR, after completing it. I analyzed rur-ple.
On the surface, I found it similar (if not the same). We were more interested with programming than python.
For the purpose of introduction to programming to young ppl, does GVR or Rurple really make a difference? 
We are trying to play with squeak now, but little progress so far.

You might like to know about my friend Avi, we tried gvr and trying squeak and trying to understand freeciv:


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