[Tutor] Angles

Carlos carloslara at web.de
Wed Nov 29 17:41:22 CET 2006

Thanks Terry and Roel,

I got it working now, the problem was a sign situation. I fixed it this way:

from math import *

def Az(Lat, Dec, H_Ang):

        lat_R     = radians(Lat)
        decl_R     = radians(Dec)
        hour_R  = radians(H_Ang)

        x_azm     = sin(hour_R) * cos(decl_R)
        y_azm     = (-(cos(hour_R))*cos(decl_R)*sin(lat_R))+(cos(lat_R)* 

        if Lat > 0:
                y_azm = y_azm * -1
        Azimuth = degrees(atan2(x_azm, y_azm)) 
        return Azimuth

The if conditional tells the system wether the sun is east or west. 
Looks like this fixes it.


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