[Tutor] help with Tkinter, please

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Mon Nov 27 03:37:29 CET 2006

At 08:59 AM 11/26/2006, Michael Lange wrote:
>On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 17:23:39 -0800
>Dick Moores <rdm at rcblue.com> wrote:
> > I've done a lot of fiddling around with setting "side=left", and
> > trying to put all the buttons inside a second Frame inside the first
> > one, but I can't get the layout I want, which is the Label on top of
> > the Entry, then a row of the first 3 buttons (which respectively
> > trigger 3 different computations on the integer the user enters).
> > Then below that, the Exit button, with the Text widget at the bottom.
> > How to do this? Is it impossible with the pack() method?
> >
>It is certainly not impossible, as long as you do not mind creating
>a bunch of extra Frames, however to me this really sound like a
>job for grid() .
>You could simply use grid(row=<xx>  , column=0, columnspan=2)
>for the widgets that should use the whole window's width and grid
>the 3 buttons into columns 0, 1 and 2 .

Well, I'm having a terrible time with grid(). I do have the 6 buttons 
in the same row, but they're a real mess. Someone please run this and 
tell me how to get them looking better.

When I use pack(), the buttons are nicely centered, but lined up 
vertically, one above the other. Maybe I can live with that. But I'd 
still like to learn how to use grid() well.


from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.option_add('*font', ('verdana', 11))
root.title("Fun with integers")
fram = Frame(root).grid()

Label(fram, text="Enter a positive integer, n", 

entry = Entry(fram, fg="red", bg="#DCDCDC", width = 30)
entry.grid(row=2,column=3, padx=5, pady=5)

b1=Button(fram, text="Compute n!", bg="black", fg="white", width = 

b2=Button(fram, text="Partially spell n", fg="black", bg="white", 
width = 19,command=integer_spell)

b3=Button(fram, text="Compute factors of n", bg="#D3D3D3", 
fg="yellow", width = 19,command=compute_factors)

b4=Button(fram, text="Find primes in [n, n+99]", bg="yellow", 
fg="red", width = 19,command=primes_in_interval)

long_text = "See the largest number that can be spelled"
b5=Button(fram, text=long_text, fg="green", bg="#BF6AF5", width = 

b6=Button(fram, text="EXIT", fg="white", bg="red", width = 19,command=sys.exit)

text = ScrolledText(fram, bg = "cyan", fg = "#330000", height=18)
#text = Text(fram)
text.insert(END, "n-factorial or n-cubed will appear here.\n\n")
text.insert(END, 'And again, with commas inserted.\n\n')
text.insert(END, "And yet again, in scientific notation.")


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