[Tutor] winsound mac

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Nov 10 20:59:53 CET 2006

"max ." <ph34r_th3_d4rkn3s at hotmail.com> wrote

>i am starting a small useless program i got from the show lost but 
>cant find
> a module on mac to make beeping noises

I think you can make a Terminal window beep printing
the standard ASCII beep character (Ctrl-G?)

But the real way to control sound on the Mac is via
Quicktime which is part of the whole Quartz/Cocoa
framework. But I confess I've never tried using quicktime
programatically either in Python or even in ObjectiveC.

Try the Mac mailing list and maybe browse the Apple
Applescript web pages. You can definitely call applescript
from MacPython and there's boundto be a friendly
Applescript command to beep

Finally, does pygame exist for Macs? If so it has
some sound features.


Alan G. 

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