[Tutor] Looking for some constructive peer review.

Chris Hengge pyro9219 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 07:34:46 CET 2006

Oops... I started another sentence at the end, then ended up on the phone
and forgot what I was doing and hit send.... Now I dont remember the other
bug.. Oh well.. Thanks again.

On 11/9/06, Chris Hengge <pyro9219 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I write this little IM style client the other night based on some sample
> socket and threading examples I found plus a little of my own twist just to
> make it more interesting..
> I'd like some constructive peer review just to help me make sure I'm doing
> this correctly / well.
> You can test it by connecting to localhost if you want to run the code to
> help with review. One thing I'd like to know how to do is fix the output to
> the screen. Currently it interrupts typing when a message is recieved which
> as I understand is because my typing a line is basically letting the client
> thread sleep, and recieving a message triggers the server thread while I'm
> typing... Maybe there is some sort of better thread management for this? Or
> is this just a limiting factor since I'm playing in the console world? The
> other issue I have is when the other person types DSC to end their session,
> I should be able to put the thread to sleep, or trash it or something so I
> dont have to close the app to use it again. It also isn't going through the
> entire
> I was hoping to actually make something more like an IRC server / client,
> but I'm not sure I've got this thing down well enough to try that. Thanks!
> from socket import *
> import Queue, threading, os
> class ServerThread ( threading.Thread ):
>     def run ( self ):
>         while True:
>             client = clientPool.get()
>             clientName = client[0].recv(1024)
>             print '\n' + ('=' * 40)
>             print 'Connection Established by %s...' % clientName
>             client[0].send('Connection Established!')
>             while True:
>                 try:
>                     data = client[0].recv(1024)
>                 except:
>                     print "Connection to %s terminated!" % clientName
>                     break
>                 if data:
>                     if 'DSC' not in data:
>                         print data
>                     else:
>                         print ('=' * 40)
>                         client[0].send('Connection Terminated...')
>                         print '\nClosed connection to %s... ' % clientName
>                         return False
>                 else:
>                     client[0].send('Closing connection.')
>                     return False
>             client[0].close()
> class ClientThread ( threading.Thread ):
>     def run ( self ):
>         print "Type 'DSC' to disconnect..."
>         print '=' * 40
>         myServer = raw_input('Server Name / IP: ')
>         myName = os.environ.items ()[1][1].title()
>         server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
>         try:
>             server.connect((myServer, 2000))
>             server.send(myName)
>             msg = ''
>             while True:
>                 data = server.recv(1024)
>                 print data
>                 print '=' * 40
>                 while msg != 'DSC':
>                     msg = raw_input()
>                     server.send(myName + ': ' + msg)
>                 data = server.recv(1024)
>                 print data
>                 server.close()
>         except:
>             server.close()
> # Create our Queue:
> clientPool = Queue.Queue ( 0 )
> # Start threads:
> print '=' * 40
> print "Initializing Listening Device..."
> ServerThread().start()
> myPort = 2000
> myIP = gethostbyname(os.environ.items()[1][1])
> print "Listening for %s on port %s" % (myIP,myPort)
> ClientThread().start()
> # Set up the server:
> myServer = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
> myServer.bind(('', myPort))
> myServer.listen(5)
> # Have the server serve "forever":
> while True:
>     clientPool.put(myServer.accept())
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