[Tutor] problem with class - get message that self is not defined

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Tue May 23 00:07:27 CEST 2006

> When I try to use the class listed below, I get the statement that 
> self
> is not defined.
> test=TriggerMessage(data)
> var = test.decode(self.qname)
> I would have thought that self would have carried forward when I 
> grabbed
> an instance of TriggerMessage.

self is a special varianble that is only defined inside of a
method of an object. It refers to the object itself (hence the name!)
Thus you cannot pass self.qname into a method unless you are
already inside another object's method.

You can read about this in more edetail in the OOP topic
of my tutor but I'll try to illustrate here:

class C:
    def method(self,x):
         self.var = x
    def g(self, anObj):

class D:
    def f(self, val):
       print val

c = C()

creates an object called c and executes its method with a
value of 42. This executes the function


where self takes the values c and x 42
The end result is that object c has a data member
called var with the value 42

d = D()

creates a new object d
calls the g method of c passing object d as argument
executes the function


where self takes on the value c and anObj takes on d
C.g() then calls d.f(self.var) which executes


that is, the self in D.f() is d and the self in C.g() = c

I hope that makes sense.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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