[Tutor] Lists of lists - different sized lists

Adam Cripps kabads at gmail.com
Fri May 19 12:46:58 CEST 2006

I'm trying to sort [1] a list of people randomly into groups. My guess
is that a list of lists will do the trick here. However, the randrange
fails with an empty range. How can I check for this? I thought that my
pupils list wouldn't reach zero with the while len(pupils)>0: would
keep it above 0.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.


def groups(pupils, size):
    toplist = []
    tmplist = []
    print len(tmplist)
    while len(pupils)>0:
        print len(pupils)
        while len(tmplist)<=size:
            print "tmplist is ", len (tmplist)
            #How many pupils are we talking about here?
            listlength = pupilslength(pupils)
            rand1 = random.randrange(listlength)
        tmplist = []
    for i in toplist:
        print i
        print i
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