[Tutor] python simulations - saving state

sarahjm at cc.usu.edu sarahjm at cc.usu.edu
Wed May 17 03:04:37 CEST 2006


I am fairly new to programming in python, but for work I am running a simulation
of a distribution center.  What I am trying to do now is to save the state of
the simulation (i.e. the event list and any other necessary variables) so that
it can be "restored" later.  I eventually want to be able to save the state of
the simulation and restart it as well as being able to save periodically and
change the event list for changes in the simulation (i.e. for a distribution
center if a truck is running late and will not be arriving on time I would need
to modify it's arrive time and see how that would change the execution of the
rest of the simulation).

I have found I can't pickle _e (the event list) and I was wondering what
suggestions you could give or where I could go to get more help on this topic.

Sarah Moody

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