[Tutor] Button Signals

John CORRY john.corry at ntlworld.com
Sun May 7 14:44:42 CEST 2006

Thanks for the prompt reply.  That is working for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Liam Clarke [mailto:ml.cyresse at gmail.com] 
Sent: 07 May 2006 13:06
To: john.corry at ntlworld.com
Cc: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Button Signals
Hi John, 

I'll answer your questions, but first: Pythoncard is for wxPython.
wxPython is vastly different to PyGTK afaik.

The docs you quote answer your question:
The return value from a connect () call is an integer tag that
identifies your callback. As stated above, you may have as many
callbacks per signal and per object as you need, and each will be
executed in turn, in the order they were attached.
This tag allows you to remove this callback from the list by using:

So, by passing in the tag returned by one of the signal connect methods,
you can disconnect a signal handler.

Your code needs the following: 
        self. callback_id1 = process.connect("clicked", self.callback1,
start_date, process)
def callback1(self,data,start_date,process ):
On 5/7/06, John CORRY < john.corry at ntlworld.com
<mailto:john.corry at ntlworld.com> > wrote:
I am having difficulty with using signal handlers.  I am using Glade 2
and Pygtk.  My editor is Pythoncard.  The following code connects to
button one and calls a function which hides button one.  
self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML ("phonelog.glade", "window1")
        dic={"on_window1_destroy" : self.quit, }
        self.wTree.signal_autoconnect (dic)
        process = self.wTree.get_widget("button1")
        process.connect("clicked", self.callback1, start_date, process)
def callback1(self,data,start_date,process ):
The above code works fine.  However I want button one to remain on my
GUI.  Thus, I want to just stop the signal being emitted after it is
pressed once.  I have used the following code which is trying to
disconnect the button one:
self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML ("phonelog.glade", "window1")
        dic={"on_window1_destroy" : self.quit, }
        self.wTree.signal_autoconnect (dic)
        process = self.wTree.get_widget("button1")
        process.connect("clicked", self.callback1, start_date, process)
def callback1(self,data,start_date,process ):
When I run this code I get the error
TyoeError:  Object takes exactly one argument(0 given)
When I put an argument in, it says that the argument must be an integer.
I have tried a number of integers at random but none work.  On the Pygtk
tutorial it states the following:
3.1. More on Signal Handlers
Lets take another look at the connect() call.

  object.connect(name, func, func_data)
The return value from a connect() call is an integer tag that identifies
your callback. As stated above, you may have as many callbacks per
signal and per object as you need, and each will be executed in turn, in
the order they were attached.
This tag allows you to remove this callback from the list by using:

So, by passing in the tag returned by one of the signal connect methods,
you can disconnect a signal handler.
How do I find out what the integer tag is, so that I can put this in my
I have tried the pygtk faq page but it is currently unavailable.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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