[Tutor] How Big Is Too Big?

Hugo González Monteverde hugonz-lists at h-lab.net
Wed May 3 21:55:03 CEST 2006

> Just wondering how many lines of code is the maximum to post in the list 
> to have it critiqued. I realise people are using their own time to help 
> others in here for no real personal gain and I would hate to impose on 
> their goodwill. Would about 100 lines of code be considered too much?

My 2 cents:

Length is really no problem, the problem would be:

1) inconvenience of too long an email. Post a link to a webpage with the 
code if it is longer than, say, 100 lines.

2) It is much more important for me that the poster seems to be really 
working on the issue, and willing to learn. Then I'd have a look at code 
any size :)

But this is just my own opinion.



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