[Tutor] Iterate over letters in a word

Steve Nelson sanelson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 22:07:54 CET 2006

On 3/14/06, Matthew Webber <m_webber_sydney at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> As a side note, remember that that xor-ing a key with a message is trivial
> to break (it's just a variation on the Vigenere cipher first published in
> 1568). So don't use if for any real applications.

Yes - at the moment this is just a way for me to begin to get my head
around how cryptography works from anabsolutely ludicrously basic
position.  This all started because I couldn't get my head around the
difference between an encryption algorithm and the key.  I thought
that by writing my own, I would work it out!


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