[Tutor] Delete in .dat

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Mar 5 05:19:32 CET 2006

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, ryan luna wrote:

> My question seems like itd be farly simple but i cant seem to get it to
> work, My .dat file is a dictionary and i need to be able to only delete
> a single word and its definition, heres what i have so far but it
> doesn't work.

Hi Ryan,

By "doesn't work", what happens?  Do you get an error message, or ...?
The more details here the better, since we really are not sure what the
cause of the problem is yet.

> pickle_file = open("dictionary.dat", "r")

This looks somewhat suspicious.  pickle files are meant to be stored in
binary files, so you may need to open the file in binary mode:

    pickle_file = open("dictionary.dat", "rb")

Otherwise, bad things may happen, especially on Windows platforms.

Good luck to you!

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