[Tutor] An Introduction and a question

Jonathon Sisson sisson.j at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 19:07:36 CEST 2006

've triedMichael Sullivan wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 03:27 +0100, Jonathon Sisson wrote:
>> Michael Sullivan wrote:
>>> Here's the situation:  My wife likes to play the game Chuzzle, found at
>>> Yahoo Games.  We use primarily Linux, however Chuzzle is written as an
>>> ActiveX control, which only works on Windows.  I have not been able to
>>> get Internet Explorer to work correctly through Wine, 
>> This might not be a Python topic, but I figured I'd respond with what I
>> know on this particular subject...
>> ActiveX can be run in Linux using the WINDOWS version of Mozilla in Wine
>> and a little bit of coaxing as per this HOWTO on the Gentoo Forums (make
>> sure you install the ActiveX control in Wine...):
>> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-246098-highlight-warcraft.html
>> World of Warcraft uses ActiveX in it's patch updater, and although I've
>> never personally run it I've had many people tell me this method works.
>>  Now if I could just figure out how to convince my wife to try Linux (as
>> you apparently have done) then I'd be set...kudos to you on that.
>>'ve triedi 
>> Jonathon
> My wife says that she actually prefers Linux over Windows.  The only
> thing we use Windows for is playing Civilizations II and The Sims,
> although she also uses it for playing Internet games that don't work on
> Linux.  She's said that if I can make Linux versions of those games she
> plays on Windows, she won't use Windows at home anymore.  When I first
> started with Linux, she was kinda iffy about it, but now she loves it.
> We've only used it since fall of 2003...

Part of my reasoning behind learning Python is that Python used so
heavily in the Gentoo Linux package management system "Portage."  I love
portage because of it's flexibility and configurability, and I hope
someday to make a contribution back to the OS that really got me hooked
on Linux.  (I started out with RedHat around May of 2002, but I grew
tired of it pretty quickly.  I moved from there to try out SuSE,
Slackware, Mandrake, Fedora (after giving RedHat a break for a few
months), and a few others (haven't tried out Debian...I hear it's really
nice, too), but when I saw Gentoo's optimization and configuration
capabilities, I was in for life...).

Therein lies the difference...I'm an efficiency nut (no I really do not
mind compiling the entire OS from source, as long as I can compile it
*exactly* how I want, using *only* what I want), and my wife just wants
to kick people's a$$es online.  She got a bad first impression of Linux
from the start because I was constantly tweaking (and breaking) my Linux
system, so the chances of her using Linux are rather slim, even though
as I progress with my Computer Science degree, I break my Linux system
less and less...hahaha.


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