[Tutor] An Introduction and a question

Michael Sullivan michael at espersunited.com
Fri Jun 9 21:42:25 CEST 2006

My name is Michael Sullivan.  I am a 26 year-old college student in
Oklahoma. My wife and I have a small (three PCs) computer network that
we operate out of our home.  We have our own domain (as one could tell
by examining my email address)  I have novice-level experience with VB,
C/C++, Java, and PHP, but I'm just starting out with Python.  

Here's the situation:  My wife likes to play the game Chuzzle, found at
Yahoo Games.  We use primarily Linux, however Chuzzle is written as an
ActiveX control, which only works on Windows.  I have not been able to
get Internet Explorer to work correctly through Wine, so I determined to
write a Chuzzle-like game (with many of my own enhancements) for Linux.
I've been playing around with some Pygame examples lately, and thought
that I'd try writing the game in Python (I've been meaning to learn
Python for years, but just never got around to it.)  Today I started on
writing the game.  I've decided (at least for now) to call my version,
LinePuzzle.  For those of you unfamiliar with Chuzzle, here's the basic
concept:  There are individual pieces of different colors arranged on a
grid.  The pieces can be moved on a line either vertically or
horizontally.  The object of the game is to position three similarly
colored pieces ajacent to each other.  At this point the three pieces
will disappear, and the pieces above them will fall to take their place.
As the levels progress, locks are added so that the player cannot move a
locked piece either horizontally or vertically.  The game is over when
no more pieces can be removed.  

I started my script by creating a class called LinePuzzlePiece which
represents a single coloured piece.  I wanted a random colour chosen
from a list to be assigned to the piece, and then to prove that I had it
set up correctly, I wanted to call a method that would print out the
color of the piece.  Here is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import time
import math

class LinePuzzlePiece:
   """This class defines a single playing piece for LinePuzzle"""
   def __init__(self):
      index = int(math.floor(uniform(1, 10)))       colorlist = ["red",
"blue", "green" "yellow", "purple"]       self.color = colorlist[index]

   def printcolor():
      print self.color

mypiece = LinePuzzlePiece

I saved the script and made it chmod +x.  However, when I run it, I get

michael at camille ~ $ ./linepuzzle.py
michael at camille ~ $

Now, I'm no expert, but I really think something should have been
printed, if even a blank line.  What am I doing wrong here?  Why is
nothing printing?  Is my printcolor method even being called
-Michael Sullivan-

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