[Tutor] Reference a variable from a string whose value is the name of the variable

Peter Jessop pjlists at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 00:47:32 CEST 2006

The best way to explain my problem is with an example

f0_n = "field0"
f0_v ="value0"

f100_n = "field100"
f100_v = "value100"

I now want to define a list of 2ples of the form


I wish to define the list using a for loop, i.e.

data = [ ]
for i in xrange(1,101):
  data = data.append((f %i  _n, f %i_v))

I have put the % sign above. Obviously it is not like that but how
does one do it?
The aim is to reference the s variable whose name is the string that I
create concatenating "f" + str(i)+"_n" and "f"+str(i)+"_v"


Peter Jessop

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