[Tutor] how to run python's Graphical User Interface for Environments in agents.py

Сергій kyxaxa at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 11:43:12 CEST 2006

  I am reading "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach<javascript:if(confirm('http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/ \n\nThis
file was not
retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path
outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open
it from the server?'))window.location='http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/'>" now (
http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/), and there are some ready python code from
this book (http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/python/readme.html).
And I have some problems with the code

It is said in the http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/python/agents.html:

# GUI - Graphical User Interface for Environments
# If you do not have Tkinter installed, either get a new installation of
# (Tkinter is standard in all new releases), or delete the rest of this file
# and muddle through without a GUI.

I have python24.
But just "*v = VacuumEnvironment(); w = EnvFrame(v);*" do nothing - I don't
see any Graphical User Interface for Environments.
What am I doing wrong and how to compel this piece of code to return a
Graphical User Interface for Environments?

Thanks in advance for help.
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