[Tutor] email anonymizing

anil maran anilmrn at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 14 02:00:59 CEST 2006

1) how much programming experience you have.
i have programmed in cfor about 1 year or so
2) how new to Python are you.
very new 1 week
3) why do you want to solve this problem in Python?
i m tryin to do a web app so i want to do in python
4) what can you apply from other languages you know (you refer to Java 
and C++) to this problem
i dont know how to go about this, and hence i was asking for possible solns from u guys
5) have you written any Python code toward solving this problem?
no i havent 
6) do you need help in how to do string substitutions? how to randomly 
generate names? how to store persistently and retrieve mappings of real 
to anonymous addresses?
this is exactly what i want
7) anything else you can tell us so we can give specific help.
i want to store the mapping in postgres table or a disk file/
i want to input the user email and choice via a form and then 
take it to a func called anon(email_id, choice)
if choice == yes:
  geneate new anon email id correspondin to email_id
  create or update a translation table to hold the link
  return the anon email to create the new page with anon email id

much like craiglist does

Bob Gailer <bgailer at alum.rpi.edu> wrote: Luke Paireepinart wrote:
> anil maran wrote:
>> hi i m trying to anonymize emails
> hi.
>> everytime someone enters
>> email at domain.com
>> i want to generate
>> cost-1234 at myweb.com and use this email in the web application
>> I want to do this in python
>> can you please explain how to do this
> Yes.
> Are you trying to anonymize their e-mail before it's sent to the server 
> or server-side?
> More info please.
> Are you using python cgi?
To amplify Luke's and others' questions - we need a lot more 
information, and at this point in the process it seems painfully slow to 
extract it from you. If you want our help please tell us:
1) how much programming experience you have.
2) how new to Python are you.
3) why do you want to solve this problem in Python?
4) what can you apply from other languages you know (you refer to Java 
and C++) to this problem
5) have you written any Python code toward solving this problem?
6) do you need help in how to do string substitutions? how to randomly 
generate names? how to store persistently and retrieve mappings of real 
to anonymous addresses?
7) anything else you can tell us so we can give specific help.
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Bob Gailer

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