[Tutor] email anonymizing

anil maran anilmrn at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 13 22:20:33 CEST 2006

the user inputs the email in a form
and then they have an option to anonymize it
the server has a copy of their original and anonymous email id
and the anon email is posted on the relevant page
when some1 needs to contact them, they would email the anon email id, 
the server or py program will take the ano email id and lookup real email id and send out the email

i want to know how to generate
user at yahoo.com =>  cause-11341 at mydomain.com
and then how do i do the translation
cause-11341 at mydomain.com => user at yahoo.com

Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at gmail.com> wrote: anil maran wrote:
> hi i m trying to anonymize emails
> everytime someone enters
> email at domain.com
> i want to generate
> cost-1234 at myweb.com and use this email in the web application
> I want to do this in python
> can you please explain how to do this

Are you trying to anonymize their e-mail before it's sent to the server 
or server-side?
More info please.
Are you using python cgi?

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