[Tutor] Copy files

David Holland davholla2002 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 30 15:28:55 CET 2006

I wrote a small program that compares files test1 and test2 to test3.
  If the files are different  then it  copies either test1 to test3 or the reverse.
  The problem is that the although the shutil.copy2 in thefunction  change_files  works without error it does not copy.  Can  anyone see what is wrong :-
  def compare_files(file_name1, file_name2):
      x = cmp (file_name1, file_name2)
      return x
  def open_files(file_name):
      file_is = open(file_name,'r')
      file_conts = file_is.read()
      return file_conts
  def change_files(file_1, file_2):
      yesorno = raw_input("Do you want them to be the same Y or N ")
      yesorno = string.upper(yesorno)
      if yesorno == 'Y':
              shutil.copy2(file_1, file_2)
              print "copy has been done "
              print "it did not work"
  file_name1 = open_files("test1.txt")
  file_name2 = open_files("test2.txt")
  file_name3 = open_files("test3.txt")
  import shutil
  import string
  x = compare_files(file_name3, file_name1)
  if x != 0:
      print  "test1 and test3 are different"
      change_files("test1.txt", "text3.txt", file_name1)
      file_name1 = "test2.txt"
      print file_name1
      x = compare_files(file_name3, file_name2)
  #    print "x is " + str(x)
      if x != 0:
          print "test2 and test3 are different"
          change_files("test2.txt", "text3.txt")
  print "program finished"

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