[Tutor] AttributeError - ChatServer

Bob Hinkle hinkle.bob at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 02:42:23 CET 2006

While following a tutorial on how to create a simple chat server I stumbled
upon this problem:
AttributeError: ChatServer instance has no attribute 'decriptors'

here is my code:
import socket
import select

class ChatServer:

    def __init__(self,port):
        self.port = port;

        self.srvsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.srvsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        self.srvsock.bind(("", port))

        self.descriptors = [self.srvsock]
        print 'Chat Server started on port %s' % port

    def run ( self ):

        while 1:

            #Await even on a readable socket descriptor
            (sread, swrite, sexc) = select.select(self.descriptors, [], [])

            #Iterate through the tagged read descriptors
            for sock in sread:

                #check if received a connect to the server
                if sock == self.srvsock:

                    # received something on a client socket
                    str = sock.recv(100)

                    # check and see if the peer closed socket
                    if str == '':
                        host,port = sock.getpeername()
                        str = 'Client left %s:%s\r\n' % (host, port)
                        host,port = sock.getpeername()
                        newstr = '[%s:%s] %s' % (host, port, str)

    def broadcast_string(self, str, omit_sock):

        for sock in self.decriptors:
            if sock != self.srvsock and sock != omit_sock:

        print str,

    def accept_new_connection( self ):

        newsock, (remhost, remport) = self.srvsock.accept()
        self.descriptors.append( newsock )

        newsock.send("You're connected to Chat Server!\r\n")
        str = "Client joined %s:%s\r\n" % (remhost, remport)
        self.broadcast_string( str, newsock )

myserver = ChatServer( 23000 )

It starts fine but when someone connects, I get the error.
[saiph]$ python telnetserver2.py
Chat Server started on port 23000
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "telnetserver2.py", line 74, in ?
  File "telnetserver2.py", line 32, in run
  File "telnetserver2.py", line 69, in accept_new_connection
    self.broadcast_string( str, newsock )
  File "telnetserver2.py", line 53, in broadcast_string
    for sock in self.decriptors:
AttributeError: ChatServer instance has no attribute 'decriptors'

Any help would be appreciated! TIA
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