[Tutor] [Re] Fwd: Strings backwards

János Juhász janos.juhasz at VELUX.com
Thu Jan 19 08:26:14 CET 2006

Hi Ryan,

I just extended Adam's code with a speech-to-text recepi from

On 18/01/06, ryan luna <ryan_gm at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Hello, what i need to do is get user input and then
> print the string backwards ^^ i have no idea how to do
> that,
> print "Enter a word and i well tell you how to say it
> backwards"
> word = raw_input("Your word: ")
> print word
> all that is simple enough im sure printing it out
> backwards is to, just dont know how ^^, thanks for any help.

import sys
from win32com.client import constants
import win32com.client
import string

speaker = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
print "Type word or phrase, then enter."
print "Ctrl+Z then enter to exit."

def backword(word):
   l = list(word)
   return ''.join(l)

def backsentence(sentence):
   words = sentence.split(' ')
   words = [backword(word) for word in words]
   return ' '.join(words)

while 1:
      s = raw_input()
      rev = backsentence(s)
      print 'I would say: ', rev
      if sys.exc_type is EOFError:

It works on my xp :)

Yours sincerely,
János Juhász

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