[Tutor] Repeating a routine

John Connors oztriking at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 22 12:43:52 CET 2006


With my only programming experience being C-64 Basic I'm finding that I 
struggle a bit understanding some of the concepts of Python, I wish I could 
block basic right out of my brain.

One of the things I can't get a grasp of is how to repeat a routine many 
times. For example a simple dice game where 6 dice are rolled, any that come 
up as 1 are kept, you keep rolling the dice until a 1 is not rolled.

A program to do that would need to generate a random number between 1 and 6 
many times. In basic I would have made a sub routine for the random number. 
Only way I can think of to do it in python is to have a seperate script.

And at the end of the game I might want to play again and it would be nice 
to have something like - Play dice game again (y/n). I'm not sure how to run 
the program again other then re-loading it.

I know goto and gosub are evil, bad habits but I'm starting to miss them.


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