[Tutor] How can I make Python Shell see new version of functionsubroutine?

Kermit Rose kermit at polaris.net
Sun Feb 19 23:15:44 CET 2006

From: Kermit Rose
Date: 02/19/06 17:05:53
To: Python Tutor; John Fouhy
Subject: [Tutor] How can I make Python Shell see new version of
 Hello John.
Ok.   I got steamed too quickly.
However, I have a debugging dilemma.
I made changes to one of the function subroutines, and recopied that
function to the shell
and I put print statements in the new version of the function subroutine.
None of the new print statements are printing.
It's as if the old version is still runing.


Never mind>                   I found the problem.

I had misunderstood the purpose of the returrn statement.

I had thought 

return g

simply set the function value to g.

I did not realize at first that 

return g

also exits the function,
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