[Tutor] exec, execfile, rexec

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Tue Feb 14 19:44:50 CET 2006

DS wrote:
> I have been writing a web-based application in which users would be able
> to input expressions which would be evaluated on the server.  I had read
> about the dangers of using eval for such things, and so I parse the
> expressions myself, and calculate the expressions using my own code. 
> This wasn't too bad, because that gave me a chance to learn about
> parsing expressions, AST, and other aspects of coding that I wasn't
> particularly familiar with.  If that was all I needed to do, my code
> seems adequate for this purpose. 
> Now, I've been starting to think about adding multiline expressions, or
> really, at this point, programs.  I don't think it would be all that bad
> to implement some simple structure for doing that, but I can't help but
> think that it  would make more sense to simply use Python directly.  Not
> only is it already implemented, but I certainly like to use it, and it
> might promote the use of Python just a bit more. 
> Is this simply such a bad idea that I should not even consider it?  Is
> there a way that I can limit usage by filtering all programs for
> operating system calls, certain imports, maybe not allowing lambdas?  I
> would hate to get compromised in some way that I don't understand.

It is very challenging to even come close to safety. If you search 
comp.lang.python for eval or exec you will find many discussions of 
this. For example

One approach is to use the compiler module to parse the input data and 
write a custom visitor for the parse tree that only allows 'safe' parse 
elements to be processed. There is some discussion here:

There is also a hack that provides an empty __builtin__ namespace to 
eval which prevents at least naive attempts at hacking.

Bottom line - it's a very hard problem which I don't think anyone has 
solved to the satisfaction of all observers, though there are limited 
solutions which some people find acceptable.


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