[Tutor] Postgresql+Python -tutorial?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sat Feb 11 10:06:07 CET 2006

> Alan G wrote:
>> Is there some advantage to Postgres over MySql?
> Yes and no. Postgresql offers more features and is IMO more flexible 
> than most SQL servers out there.

Thanks for the list, several things I didn't know.

> Example: postgresql enables you to set up editable sql views. 

Most databases I've used (Oracle, DB2, Interbase) can do this, 
I wasn't aware MySql couldn't.

> However, MySQL is used a lot in web pages because it can return queries 
> much faster than any other database - the catch is that it can only do 
> this with transaction-less tables.

And I didn't know about Transactionless tables.

> Hope that helped?
> Joal Heagney

Yes thanks. My interest comes from the fact that I am in the process 
of reconfiguring my home network and in particular wanted a popular 
opensource database to replace my ancient copy of Oracle for Linux.
The choices are Firebird, MySql and Postgres. I am familiar with the 
first but the others are more popular (think job experience...)

Thanks again,

Alan G.

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