[Tutor] Breadth first search

Nicky Ng nickyncy at yahoo.com.hk
Thu Feb 9 11:33:42 CET 2006


I would like to implement a breadth first serach with Python and read data from a text file with following file format

File structure description
First line contains number of node
Second line contains node id(s) and distance between node id
Last line is -1
<number of node>
<N1><N2><W1>  Each node or distance is separated by space

For the example below, first line represent number of node is 10, second line contains first node id 0, second node id 1, distance between node id 0 and node id 1 is 2

0 is the root (starting node), the aim of the searching program is to find out the shortest path from 0 to a leaf node and print out the node path and value the path distance

Could you give me any idea how to implement this search program with Python?

0 1 2
0 5 3
1 2 2
1 3 4
2 1 3
2 3 1
5 6 3
5 7 1
6 8 1
7 8 1
7 9 2
9 5 3

Possible solution:
Path=0,1,2,3 length=5
Path=0,5,6,8 length=5
Path=0,5,7,8 length=5

Thank you for your help.

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