[Tutor] Best way to learn python

Rob Andrews rob.andrews at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 00:31:53 CET 2006

I'm not exactly a math guru, either, but know some algebra & geometry
from school.

When I first tried my hand at Python, I started with just the tutorial
bundled with the Python download.

I had been taken a semester in Pascal & tinkered with Perl & Java at
that point, and found Python to be simpler & more obvious, so if you
have a bit of programming at all your experience is likely as good as
mine was at the time. What's your programming background?

What sort of programming would you most immediately like to do?

And Ruby's also a fine language.

-Rob A.

On 12/29/06, Daniel kavic <macsareback at mac.com> wrote:
> What is the best way for someone who is not very efficient in
> mathematics to learn Python, I was turned away from C++ and others
> because of the math issue. Ruby has been recommended as well.

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