[Tutor] How would I make a program that password protects on an inactivity timer?

John Fouhy john at fouhy.net
Tue Aug 29 00:57:53 CEST 2006

On 29/08/06, mjrmonkeyman at aol.com <mjrmonkeyman at aol.com> wrote:
> If this is not possible, is there any way to end/restart the explorer.exe
> program? If not, is there any other way you would reccomend securing the
> computer? (not a program thats downloaded, we have to prove that everything
> we download is for educational purposes @_@)

Hmm, one thing that might work, as a way of manually locking your
screen: write a Tkinter app that pops up a password dialog and exits
when you type in the correct password.  Then set the global grab for
the Entry widget.

I haven't actually used global grab before (it's pretty bad manners!),
but I think it will restrict all input to itself, and refuse attempts
to let anything else have focus. Not certain, though.  But it may be
worth a try.


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