[Tutor] Actual code that illustrates problem

Kermit Rose kermit at polaris.net
Thu Aug 17 05:42:08 CEST 2006

Message: 11
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:50:47 +1200
From: "John Fouhy" <john at fouhy.net>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Global variables
Cc: tutor at python.org
Can you post actual code to illustrate the problem?  Don't post your
entire module; just show us the functions involved, the input that
causes the problem, and what output you expect to get.
Here is the output that illustratrates the problem.  After the output I'll
list the code for the called function,
and the calling function,  fermat.
IDLE 1.1.2
>>> import factor34
>>> from factor34 import testrange
>>> testrange(10**14+37,10**14+37)
  Begin calculating constants to be used in factoring.
  Finished calculating constants to be used in factoring.
  Search for a factor of  100000000000037
  Could not find factors by strong probable prime test using witnesses <
  Try to find factors by using power of  2  mod z as a witness.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  0  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  1  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  2  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  3  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  4  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  5  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  6  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  7  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  8  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  9  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  10  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  11  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  12  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  15306543515214
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  13  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  12123044576953
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  14  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  45391315949900
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  15  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  59571344259390
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  16  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  78029752396948
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  17  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  35863146075772
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  18  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  19712913203085
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  19  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  14607414373499
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  20  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  57761947468766
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  21  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  75604347243674
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In fermat: k =  22  x =  0  y =  0  face =  [0, 0, 0]
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  53799857
  Found1: y =  1858741
  face =  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  3561873332543
  Found1: factors are  53799857 1858741
  Found1: returning  [53799857L, 1858741L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  In strongfac
  Found1: x =  1858741
  Found1: y =  53799857
  face =  [1858741L, 53799857L, 0]
  Found1: factor by strong probable prime test, using witnes  96058894729069
  Found1: factors are  1858741 53799857
  Found1: returning  [1858741L, 53799857L, 0]  to fermat routine.
  Retrieved from strongfac, face =  [1858741L, 53799857L, 0]
  In fermat: k =  23  x =  1858741  y =  53799857  face =  [1858741L,
53799857L, 0]
  index of torial is  23
  z =  100000000000037  x =  1858741  y =  53799857  difficulty =  0
#    def strongfac(z,w):
#        x = gcd(z,w-1)
#        if x > 1:
#            if x < z:
#                y = z/x
#                print "Found factors by P-1 Method as part of Strong
probable prime test, using witness",w,"."
#                print " x = ",x," y = ",y
#                return [x,y,0]
#        w2 = (w * w)%z
#        s = ksqrt(w2)
#        if w2 == s * s:
#            if s != w:
#                x = gcd(z,kabs(w2 - s))
#                if x > 1:
#                    if x < z:
#                        print "Found factors by square = square as part of
Strong probable prime test, using witness",w,"."
#                        return [x,y,0]
#        trace = 0
#        t = z - 1
#        a = 0
#        while t%2 == 0:
#            t = t/2
#            a = a + 1
#        test = pow(w,t,z)
#        if test ==1:
#            x = gcd(z,w-1)
#            if x > 1:
#                if x < z:
#                    y = z/x
#                    print " Found factor by Strong probable prime test,
using withness ",w,"."
#                    return [x,y,0]
#        else:
#            x = gcd(test-1,z)
#            if x > 1:
#                print " "
#                print " In strongfac "
#                print " Found1: x = ",x
#                if x < z:
#                    y = z/x
#                    print " Found1: y = ",y
#                    face = [x,y,0]
#                    print " face = ",face
#                    face[0] = x
#                    face[1] = y
#                    face[2] = 0
#                    print " Found1: factor by strong probable prime test,
using witness ",w," ."
#                    print " Found1: factors are ",face[0],face[1]
#                    print " Found1: returning ",face," to fermat routine."
#                    return face
#        if test + 1 == z:
#            x = gcd(w+1,z)
#            if x > 1:
#                if x < z:
#                    y = z/x
#                    print " Found factor by Strong probable prrime test,
using withness ",w,"."
#                    return [x,y,0]
#        for j in range (1,a):
#            test2 = (test * test)%z
#            test2sqrt = ksqrt(test2)
#            if test2sqrt * test2sqrt == test2:
#                diff = kabs(test - test2sqrt)
#                if diff !=0:
#                    x = gcd(z,kabs(test - test2sqrt))
#                    if x > 1:
#                        if x < z:
#                            y = z/x
#                            print " Found factors by strong probable prime
test using difference of squares and witness ",w,"."
#                            return [x,y,j]
#                y = gcd(z,test+test2sqrt)
#                if y > 1:
#                    if y < z:
#                        print " Found factors by strong probable prime test
using difference of squares and witness ",w,"."
#                        return [x,y,j]
#            test1 = test2 + 1
#            test = test2
#            if test1 == z:
#                pass
#            else:
#                x = gcd(test1,z)
#                if x > 1:
#                    if x < z:
#                        print " "
#                        print " In Strongfac "
#                        y = z/x
#                        fac = [x,y,j]
#                        print " Foundj factor by strong probable prime test
 using witness,",w," ."
#                        print " Returning ",fac," to fermat routine."
#                        return fac
#        q = 0
#        fac = [0,0,0]
#        return fac
#    def fermat(z,maxdiff,pmap,plist,sqlist,sqresidue,torials,limitsteps):
#        for j in range(2,3):
#            print " "
#            print " Try to find factors by using power of ",j," mod z as a
#            w2 = j
#            for k in range(100):
#                w = pow(j,torials[k],z)
#                face = strongfac(z,w)
#                print " Retrieved from strongfac, face = ",face
#                x = face[0]
#                y = face[1]
#                print " In fermat: k = ",k," x = ",x," y = ",y," face = "
#                if face[0] != 0:
#                    print " index of torial is ",k
#                    return face
#                if k == 0:
#                    w2 = w
#                else:
#                    w2 = pow(w2,torials[k],z)
#                    fac = strongfac(z,w2)

#        print " "    
#       print " Could not find factors by strong probable prime test."    

    Kermit Rose   <  kermit at polaris.net  >

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