[Tutor] critique my script again!

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Aug 4 12:43:22 CEST 2006

Christopher Spears wrote:
> import os, os.path, glob
> def create_dict(path, globbed_dict):
> 	os.chdir(path)
> 	matched_files = glob.glob(pattern)
> 	if matched_files != []:
> 		globbed_dict[path] = matched_files
> 	return globbed_dict
As written create_dict() has the side-effect of changing the working 
dir, which you correct for in the caller. A better design would be to 
save and restore the correct dir in create_dict() so callers don't have 
to know that it has changed.
> def glob_files(pattern, base_path = '.'):
> 	abs_base = os.path.abspath(base_path)
> 	globbed_dict = {}
> 	cwd = os.getcwd()
> 	#Check the root directory first
> 	globbed_dict = create_dict(abs_base, globbed_dict)
> 	#Check other directories
> 	for root,dirs,files in os.walk(abs_base):
> 		for name in dirs:
> 			path = os.path.join(root, name)
> 			globbed_dict = create_dict(path, globbed_dict)
> 			os.chdir(abs_base)
> 	#Make sure the script returns to the user's original
> directory.
> 	os.chdir(cwd)
> 	return globbed_dict
Rather than special-casing abs_base with its own call to create_dict, I 
would have the os.walk() loop act on root instead of dirs:

	for root,dirs,files in os.walk(abs_base):
		globbed_dict = create_dict(root, globbed_dict)

> def print_dict(globbed_dict):
> 	paths = globbed_dict.keys()
> 	paths.sort()
> 	for p in paths:
Could be written more succinctly as
    for p in sorted(globbed_dict.keys()):


> 		print p,": "
> 		file_list = globbed_dict[p]
> 		for f in file_list:
> 			print "\t",f
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> 	base_path = raw_input("Enter a base path: ")
> 	pattern = raw_input("Enter a glob pattern: ")
> 	str(base_path)
> 	str(pattern)
> 	globbed_dict = glob_files(pattern, base_path)
> 	print_dict(globbed_dict)
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