[Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard

Matthew Singletary matt.singletary at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 21:16:33 CEST 2006

first, A disclaimer:
This isn't directly homework but is related to an assignment of mine

I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem, the
complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one part.
suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same row or
same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward.
I know I could solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was wondering
if anyone could suggest some tips on directions to work

I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method to
solve this.

The reason I started teaching myself python was it seemed a little more
concise, and it seems there should be an elegant way to do this but I guess
I'm not used to thinking the pythonic way

thanks for any help
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