[Tutor] Creating Programs (Basics?)

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Oct 24 02:26:56 CEST 2005

> > end of the chapter on "Error Handling" and I'm trying the sample ideas
> > for creating my own programs. My problem is getting started! Is there
> > a "step by step" method for creating programs or some basic guidelines
> > for this?
> There are some books around on how to design programs which is really
> what you need,

In fact, there's a book with that exact title.  *grin*


That book's implementation language is a subset of Scheme, but the
material there is solid.  The things they talk about are really about
programming in general, so the book's ideas apply to Python programming

For example, their initial "design recipe" is very applicable for small


and throughout the rest of the book, they revise this pattern to follow
what Alan's described as "functional decomposition".

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