[Tutor] Delete an attribute using Beautiful Soup?

Bob Tanner tanner at real-time.com
Tue Nov 22 09:22:40 CET 2005

I'd like to delete an attribute of  tag, the BGCOLOR to the BODY tag to be 

I see Tag.__delitem__(self, key), but I cannot seem to figure out how to use 
it. Any help?

class Tag(PageElement):

    """Represents a found HTML tag with its attributes and contents."""

    def __init__(self, name, attrs=None, parent=Null, previous=Null):
        "Basic constructor."
        self.name = name
        if attrs == None:
            attrs = []
        self.attrs = attrs
        self.contents = []
        self.setup(parent, previous)
        self.hidden = False

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        "Deleting tag[key] deletes all 'key' attributes for the tag."
        for item in self.attrs:
            if item[0] == key:
                #We don't break because bad HTML can define the same
                #attribute multiple times.
            if self.attrMap.has_key(key):
                del self.attrMap[key]

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>          | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.real-time.com, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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