[Tutor] displaying properties/methods

Gregorius Gede Wiranarada gregor at mail.uajy.ac.id
Fri Nov 18 04:53:37 CET 2005

Hi all, i'm a newbie to python and now learning OOP. How do i display 
methods or properties that is owned by a class or a module? for example: i 
know that module sys has a property/method called path. i want to know what 
other methods it has, how do i find them from python command line?


Dibuka pendaftaran Program Magister dan Double Degree Pascasarjana UAJY
(MM - MTF atau sebaliknya; M.Hum - MTF; M.Hum - MM; MTS. - MM).
Penerimaan mahasiswa setiap Mei, September dan Januari. 

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