[Tutor] problem calling a function

Vincent Wan wan at walrus.us
Mon Nov 14 07:07:00 CET 2005

Thank you Roel Schroeven

I don't know how I missed the fact that the printDendrogram function  
needs tuples not strings.
I didn't recognize that my string was a tuple so I didn't realize  
that when I pasted it interactively
in IDEL I was allowing python to change the type.

eval() changes the type from string to tuple. But, to my surprise  
tuple() does not yeild the tuple that
is represented by the string but a tuple representation of the string.

If eval() does convert correctly why not use it? The string will  
always be a valid tuple.

Thank you for you elegant tree based representation. I'm sure I'll  
need help when it comes
to adding support for more that two nodes. Of course, I'll also have  
to modify the drawing code.

Thank you, thank you


PhD Candidate
Committee on the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
University of Chicago

PO Box 73727
Fairbanks, AK 99707

wan AT walrus DOT us (change CAPS to @ and . )

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