[Tutor] Are Empty "Placeholder" Functions possible?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu May 26 17:51:32 CEST 2005

Gooch, John wrote:
> Is there a way to create an empty function definition with no lines of code
> in it? In my coding style I will often do this ( in other languages ) for
> RAD just to remind myself that I will need to implement the function later. 

A block cannot be empty but there is a placeholder statement 'pass' that does nothing.
> Example: For a file handling class, I may need functions such as
> copy,delete,move,etc so I want to start off with:
> class FileHandler:
> 	def __init__(self):
> 	def copy(self):
> 	def delete(self):

class FileHandler:
	def __init__(self):

	def copy(self):

	def delete(self):


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